Thursday, February 11, 2010


It's something that in one point of our lives, we'll all go through. It's terrible, cruel and unbelievably spitful, but it breeds like rabbits in this world. Why does it happen? Is it because their own life is so messed up and hurtful that they feel the need to make others feel as low as they do? Are they jealous of them or just think that the victim isn't pretty enough to feel beautiful or amazing? Are they just doing it for the sheer fact that it's something to do? You may think a snide remark here and there doesn't do anything to people, but it does. It'll hurt them, make them question themselves and if they're good enough. The number of people who have died because of this is alarming, and it's all because of things that have started out small have gotten out of control.

If you don't want it to happen to you, if you don't want to be treated like you're an unsignificant being with no meaning, why do you let it happen to others? It isn't fair to laugh along when people are getting bullied or told that they aren't worth it, worth their love, worth the boy or whatever it is. Imagine going through that and then tell me it's funny. Every life is precious. They may mean nothing to the person that's hurting them, but I can guarantee you that they're dying inside, bit by bit and piece by piece and it's killing the people that love them.

Don't do it. It isn't worth the pain you'll cause, the lives you'll hurt and the things you'll break inside yourself. Gossip Girl makes great television, but reality isn't scripted. You can't second guess what'll happen, you can't tell people what to do and be a cow and it'll all be fine once the camera stops rolling because reallity doesn't have a camera. Being Queen Bee may mean you own the school while you attend it, but it'll get you nowhere in life once you leave. Chances are, one of the people you constantly told were flat-chested or ugly will be someone you end up as the boss to your dream job and not give it to you.

Remember that no matter what anybody else says that you're beautiful, you're unique and amazing and that nobody out there is perfect. We're all flawed in our own special ways that make us who we are.


  1. Wow, that's really good Gabs!!! Niceeee how long did it take ya 2 write that all? Great advice beautiful(ly flawed person ;P )
    cya at schoolllll, and btw, u'll love me forever and always now, right?? haha
    xoxoxox 4-eyed friend ;)

  2. Thanks, Lipgloss. ;D
    Umm, it took me about 10 minutes to write that. The Gossip Girl bit was inspired by Carmi's status.
    See you at school and I'll love you forever & always.
